La página en Español

Andrew Parker

Latin American Studies

Georgetown University

Civil Engineering & Physics

University of Maryland at College Park

Civil Engineer, Berkel & Company

Baltimore, Maryland

There's no greater love, than the love of Jesus.

There's no one who can love you more.

Dreams come and dreams go and people move in and out of your life

But the one thing that the love of Christ.

Reach, Youth Encounter's Theme for
2001-2002.  As God has reached out to us, we reach out to others with
that same love

This is my Web Page. As it says up above, I update it rather infrequently. A few years ago I started the process of translating it into Spanish, which is not quite done. My purpose in having this website? I'm really not sure. It both represents me and keeps track of some of my thoughts and activities I suppose. That's about all.

For more information about me, check out my brief bio page.

Like one of my friends I've started a collection of random quotes and songs. It can be found here. Enjoy:).

Here is my collection of CVs.

Here is my list of courses that I took at Maryland.

Some of my Photos.

My Links

A few years ago now I put together a page of MATLAB plots.
Click here to see my crazy plots.

Suscipe, Domine, universam meam libertatem.
Accipe memoriam, intellectum, atque voluntatem omnem.
Quidquid habeo vel possideo mihi largitus es;
id tibi totum restituo, ac tuae prorsus voluntati trado gubernandum.
Amorem tui solum cum gratia tua mihi dones,
et dives sum satis, hec aliud quidquam ultra posco.

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of Maryland, College Park

Copyright 2011 Andrew Parker
Last Modified 02 September 2010