The Matlab Graphs: Module 13 Assignment

The Spectacular one-variable MATLAB graph

y= exp(-ax)sin(x)

My one variable graph.  Isn't it

The Stupendous two variable MATLAB surface

z=y^2 -x^2 (hyperbolic paraboloid)

My two variable graph.  It's the best

The Greatest Elliptic Paraboloid Ever (That's right, EVER)

x^2 + y^2 + 2z = 0

My Elliptic Paraboloid.  I have a
lot of free time, don't I?

A hyperboloid of two sheets. Don't see many of these babies on campus.

x^2 + y^2 -z^2 = -1

My two sheet hyperboloid.  I've
been working on these while sitting in on Dr. Brubaker's summer program
for female researchers.  Need I mention the cute Comp Sci major seated
next to me?  I thought not

A Parabolic Cone. Isn't it lovely?

My Parabolic Cone.  I lost the equation
somewhere and can't find it.

The very graphical graph of a three variable function

f = absx + absy + absz

My three variable graph, from the
default view.  More views will follow.

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of Maryland, College Park

Copyright 2011 Andrew Parker
Last Modified 02 September 2011