Some Photos

Photos to be added as soon as I shrink them and upload them...soon I hope.

In the meanwhile, you can follow these links to my Facebook albums. I'll always have more of my photos available there because my webspace is limited.

Visit from my Ecuadorian Family - August 2010
Album 1
Album 2

Baby Shower for Baby Luke, Summer 2010
Album 1

Georgetown CLAS Graduation, June 2010
Album 1

Random 2010 photos - Winter, Spring and Summer
Album 1

Montana with the Kaarres August 2009
Album 1

Random Summer 2009 Pictures
Album 1

Erin Wallace's Trip back to Baltimore June 2009
Album 1

Cambridge/Lake District Spring 2009
Album 1
Album 2

Christmas/Winter 2008-2009
Album 1

Parker Family Trip to Ecuador January 2008
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4
Album 5
Album 6
Album 7
Album 8
Album 9
Album 10

New Year's Eve with the Zhindon Family (2007)
Album 1

Another wedding (Diego's nephew) and Christmas 2007
Album 1

Pase de Niņos de CEDFI (my sisters' school) December 2007
Album 1

Christina's Wedding (Diego's niece) and other photos October 2007
Album 1

My Preliminary Visit to Santa Cruz - EWB
Album 1

The best photo from my time at home - Labor Day 2007
Album 1

Mark's Wedding - August 25th 2007
Album 1

Choir Trip to Quito - August 5-10 2007
Album 1

Gathering of the Cousins (at the family hacienda) - August 4-5 2007
Album 1

Backpacking in Cajas National Park with Cole - May 26-27 2007
Album 1

Return to Patadel, Ecuador (Weekend Four) May 2007
Album 1

Return to Patadel, Ecuador (Weekend Three) May 2007
Album 1

Return to Patadel, Ecuador (Weekend Two) April 2007
Album 1

Return to Patadel, Ecuador (Weekend One) April 2007
Album 1
Album 2

Easter and some of Cuenca's 450th Anniversary Activities
Album 1

Birthday 2007
Album 1

Puppies, V-Day and Carnaval - Ecuador 2007
Album 1

Departure for Ecuador and some random Ecuador Photos
Album 1

Celebrate at the River - CESCM Gathering 2006-2007
Album 1
Album 2

Winter 2006 - Time with friends and family (Maryland and NC)
Album 1

Fall 2006 - Mar-Lu Ridge and UMCP
Album 1

Freeride 2006
Album 1

Vacation with the Parents and other odd bits - August through October 2006
Album 1

Bodiam Castle August 2006
Album 1

Donna Visits England/Spain
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4

Surprise Trip Home April 2006
Album 1

EWB-UK Clare Farm Training Courses Spring 2006
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4

Easter Term 2006
Album 1

Lent Term 2006
Album 1

Silsoe Field Trip lent term 2006
Album 1

LSM Gathering San Diego 2005-2006
Album 1

Winter Break 2005
Album 1

Christmas 2005
Album 1

Noel, Emily and Andrew visit Oxford and Stratford-Upon-Avon
Album 1

Chartwell Trip Fall 2005
Album 1

Stonehenge and Winchester
Album 1

England with the Parents September 2005
Album 1

June 2005 - Travelling with the Pedersens - Ohio, then Indiana, then VA Beach
Album 1
Album 2

Jon Herning's Wedding - Early Summer 2005
Album 1

Spring 2005 and Graduation
Album 1

Maryland Cycling Racing Photos 2005
Album 1

Random pictures from Summer 2004
Album 1

SBS Belize
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4

Maryland Cycling Racing Photos 2004
Album 1

22nd Birthday, 2004
Album 1

The Quad in 2002-2003 UMCP
Album 1

Summer and Fall of 2002
Album 1

England with Nikki Spring 2002
Album 1

Tornado on Campus - September 2001
Album 1

Side-By-Side India 1999
Album 1

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of Maryland, College Park