Peanuts rocks the world


	Palpate your own bladder.


	River Child, river god's daughter
	Gazes out over her father in chains.
	Two sets removed, one yet remains.
	Still, the beauty of her father has caught her.

	Two reminders of the river's power
	And of man's failed attempts to rule him.
	Each one built further from the brim
	Further from water, ice, tree, and flower.

	In the spring come the rains,
	Cleansing the river of man's taint.
	Bare piers of gray stone the flood restrain'd,
	Not so the decks for wagons and trains.

	The power of nature, we cannot constrain
	Man will not forever reign.


	On Saturday, January 26th, Caren Elise Wiley did me the great honor of 
	agreeing to become my wife.  We had spent the whole day painting the house 
	with my father before going out to McCormick and Schmick's on Pier V for 
	dinner.  After that we enjoyed a performance of Beauty and the Beast at 
	the Hippodrome before returning, sleepily, to the house.  This was our 
	first non-work evening there, so we finally had an opportunity to enjoy 
	some of the champagne that had appeared when we closed on the property.  I 
	feigned ignorance regarding the proper opening of a champagne bottle and 
	had Caren open up the fridge.  While we were out, my parents had dropped 
	off proper champagne glasses, a dozen long-stem red roses, a vase, and two 
	special fruit tarts (my mother's addition).  Caren was startled, to say 
	the least, though she had a feeling that something might be happening.  
	When she pulled the box of roses out and opened it up, I took out my 
	great-aunt's ring and when she turned around asked her if she would marry 
	me.  I had not had the time to get down on one knee, which Caren quickly 
	rectified before agreeing to my proposal.  This is our house now, though 
	it really was all along.  Our house, our life together, our love.


	"Every finger is touching and searching,
	Until your secrets come out,
	In the dance, as it endlessly circles,
	I linger close to your mouth.

	I am living to nourish you, cherish you. I am pulsing the blood in your 
	veins. Feel the magic and power of surrender to life." 

	"When I'm miles and miles apart from you, I'm beside you when I think of 
	you, and I'm with you as I dream of you, and a song will bring me near to you."

	Uncertainty kills hope.


	Because God made the stars to shine,
	Because God made the ivy twine,
	Because God made the sky so blue,
	Because God made you, that's why I love you


	"My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his 

	John 4:34

	"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from Behind.  'Pooh?' he whispered.
	'Yes, Piglet?'
	'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand.  'I just wanted to be sure of you.'"

	A.A. Milne

	Some things are better than sleep.

	"That experience, connecting with a stranger and falling 
	recklessly in love, is on of life's greatest joys." #420


	I sure as heck did nothing to deserve this.  So thank you God.
	Rae:  "So we broke up for a few hours over the whole house-buying 
	thing.  We decided we're not ready yet and are going to put things 

	Tina:  "But what about our joint wedding?" -turns to Caren- 
	"Alright, you have to do this for me now."

	Me:  "I'm too young to get married."  -oldest person in room-

	It's so easy and so very surprising.  Things seem to be coming to 
	me now unlooked-for.  One thing follows after the other, 
	unexpected and glorious.  Life unfolding new mysteries day by day.

	When I stopped looking I began to find.

	Ropes again!  I found somebody to climb with.  Happy times.

	I didn't realize that I would have to give up my best friend as 
	well.  That was unexpected and unfair.

	Because I'm getting pretty gray at the temples,
	which negatively impacts my earning potential
	and does not necessarily attract vibrant young women
	with their perfumed bosoms to dally with me
	on the green hillside,
	I go out and buy some Grecian Hair Formula.

	And after the whole process, which involves
	rubber gloves, a tiny chemistry set,
	and perfect timing, I look great.
	I look very fresh and virile, full of earning potential.
	But when I take my fifteen-year-old beagle
	out for his evening walk, the contrast is unfortunate.
	Next to me he doesn't look all that great,
	with his graying snout, his sort of faded,
	worn-out-dog look. It makes me feel old,
	walking around with a dog like that.

	It's not something a potential employer,
	much less a vibrant young woman with a perfumed bosom
	would necessarily go for. So I go out
	and get some more Grecian Hair Formula.
	Light Brown, my beagle's original color.
	And after all the rigmarole he looks terrific.
	I mean, he's not going to win any friskiness contests,
	not at fifteen. But there's a definite visual improvement.
	The two of us walk virilely around the block.

	The next day a striking young woman at the bookstore
	happens to ask me about my parents,
	who are, in fact, long dead, due to the effects of age.
	They were very old, which causes death.
	But having dead old parents does not go
	with my virile, intensely fresh new look.

	So I say to the woman, my parents are fine.
	They love their active lifestyle in San Diego.
	You know, windsurfing, jai alai, a still-vibrant sex life.
	And while this does not necessarily cause her
	to come dally with me on the green hillside, I can tell
	it doesn't hurt my chances.

	I can see her imagining dinner
	with my sparkly, young-seeming mom and dad
	at some beachside restaurant
	where we would announce our engagement.

	Your son has great earning potential,
	she'd say to dad, who would take
	a gander at her perfumed bosom
	and give me a wink, like he used to do
	back when he was alive, and vibrant.

	"Grecian Temples" by George Bilgere, from The White Museum.

	God in His infinite wisdom
	Did not make me very wise-
	So when my actions are stupid
	They hardly take God by surprise.

	Langston Hughes - Acceptance

	I take my dreams and make of them a bronze vase
	and a round fountain with a beautiful statue in its center.
	And a song with a broken heart and I ask you:
	Do you understand my dreams?
	Sometimes you say you do,
	And sometimes you say you don't.
	Either way it doesn't matter.
	I continue to dream.

	Langston Hughes - I Continue to Dream

	They say time heals everything
	but I'm still waiting.

	Dixie Chicks

	$%^&*( Adele and her little song too.  Finally made it to the 
	climbing gym today despite hearing her little ditty on the radio.

	Teddy -	"You met a girl over a year ago and forgot to mention her?"

	Donzo - "Unlike you, I don't fall deeply and significantly in love 
	with a girl on a meeting or two."


	Teddy found himself flipping back through To The End of the Earth, 
	re-reading the passages he'd skimmed, which dealt with love business, and 
	particularly with kissing, as witches seemed to like this sort of thing, 
	so he guessed it was what they'd expect. He was disappointed to find that 
	it didn't actually explain how to kiss, except that stars were meant to 
	explode and the sea was supposed to keep the rhythm, which sounded like 
	something of a tall order.


	Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy?
	Boom boom ain't it great to be nuts like us?
	Giddy and foolish, the whole day through
	Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy?

	Books are a poor substitute for female companionship, but they are 
	easier to find.

	Patrick Rothfuss - The Wise Man's Fear.
	Read while sitting in a library in Florida during a 48-hour 
	stretch of alone-time.

	You cannot discuss the purpose of life with a man who denies the 
	existence of God.  You cannot profoundly collaborate in human 
	affairs, in sociology, say, or education, with a man who denies 
	the existence of God.  You cannot simply agree to omit God from 
	the collaboration for the sake of argument, any more than you 
	could agree to omit the sun from navigation.  The sun is a fact 
	and essential to navigation.  God is a fact and essential to 

	Frank Sheed - Theology and Sanity

	This position is not meant to be as absolute as it sounds.  It 
	comes in the middle of discussion of how faith is seen, these 
	days, as some characteristic of a man which does not affect his 
	interactions with the world around him.  It is about as important 
	and far more mutable than his hair color, say.  Sheed rejects 
	this, in the passage above, by pointing out that for a man who 
	knows that God exists and understands something of his nature and 
	his role in existence, such knowledge cannot be put aside.  It 
	affects everything.

	Man dies to himself in order to live to God, and, living to God, 
	find himself too.

	Frank Sheed - Theology and Sanity

	Ginny nodded, and turned around to rest in the crook of his arm. 
	He kissed her head, and she said, "I just wish there was something 
	that would make you happy."

	He laughed softly. "That's what home is for."

	Fernwithy (

	The easiest or quickest path is not always the best one.
	I hope that you learn this before you throw away too many things 
	of value in your life.

	I like a green olive
	stuffed with a pimento
	after it has been submerged
	for some time in a martini.
	I like to go downtown with my husband,
	sit in a booth at the Grand
	and let the drink rub the edge
	off the inane fight we had
	about the furniture salesman
	and whether he treated us fairly,
	my view, or whether he tried
	to put one over on us,
	my husband's view.
	In some moods we'll fight about anything
	just to make the other
	carry the weight of anger
	we lug all day through our lives.
	But that moment
	when we climb into bed
	on a winter's night,
	letting our bodies lie down,
	letting the day be over,
	its not unlike the way gin
	loosens the rope, lets float
	the raft into its stillest waters.
	Happy hour, when the landscape
	loses its daylight meaning
	as it slips into the silk of dusk
	before night pours down its jazzy notes
	in a cathedral of crushed velvet.
	We are sitting side by side in the booth,
	watching the flurry of holiday shoppers
	come in from the cold.
	By now the salesman is a jerk,
	or he's a helluva guy,
	either way is fine.
	We are talking about anything,
	having drifted out into the calm
	plainness of intimacy. Nothing
	profound, just a place to rest
	at the end of the day,
	the cord between us swinging gently
	after the bells have stopped their ringing. 

	"Gin" by Jacqueline Berger from "The Gift that Arrives Broken."

	When the moon was young,
	When the month was May,
	When the stage was hung for my holiday,
	I saw shining lights
	But I never knew
	They were you, they were you, they were you.

	When the dance was done,
	When I went my way
	When I tried to find rainbows far away,
	All the lovely lights
	Seemed to fade from view:
	They were you, they were you, they were you.

	Without you near me,
	I can't see.
	When you're near me,
	Wonderful things come to be.
	Every secret prayer
	Every fancy free,
	Everything I dared for both you and me.
	All my wildest dreams
	Multiplied by two...
	They were you, they were you, they were you.

	The Fantasticks

	Oh, Tongue, give sound to joy and sing
	Of hope and promise on dragonwing.

	Anne McCaffrey


	So right now I'm in an all-Palestrina, all the time choir at the 
	University of Maryland - College Park.  Everything we sing is in Latin, 
	which I enjoy.  Singing a translation of the original text to the same 
	music really never works - the text is always weakened and corrupted by 
	the translation.  Stressed syllables don't line up with stressed musical 
	moments, meaning is lost, and we lose a connection to the overall cultural 
	context of the work.  Thankfully, once you get out of high school every 
	serious musician realizes this and no sane choir director will ever have 
	you sing the English translation of a text.  As a conscientious musician, 
	you'll even learn what the words mean and not just how to pronounce them.  
	The incredible power of what the composer is saying through your voice is 
	now something you understand.

	What does your audience get out of this?  They can hear your pretty 
	voices and appreciate the work you've put in and the musicianship you are 
	displaying but do they appreciate the raw emotional power of the text?  
	Even with translations in their programs or supertitles above the stage, 
	the musical experience is somewhat lessened by this language barrier.  
	Maybe that's why church choirs so often sing the English translation; in a 
	religious setting, transmitting the meaning is crucial to the impact of 
	the work.  Yet this causes great musical harm as well.  Church choirs 
	should then be advised to stick to compositions created in English.  Many 
	of them do and this allows them to both preserve the integrity of the 
	pieces and perform their important role within the Mass.  The popularity 
	of works such as Handel's Messiah and some of Britten's religious music 
	attest to the impact that great music with a message that can be easily 
	understood by its listeners can have.

	Yet this approach abandons centuries of the rich musical tradition of the 
	Church.  Surely this isn't the answer.  Meanwhile, audiences in secular 
	spaces get to hear these works but fail to grasp their full emotional 
	content.  What, then, can we do to address this?Have someone stand up 
	before we sing these works, both during Mass and at concerts, to explain 
	the text.  We should talk about where it is drawn from (Scripture, early 
	liturgy of the Church, the writings of such and such a saint).  We should 
	talk about the cultural context in which the piece was written, what 
	struggles the composer or the local community were going through at the 
	time.  Why was this text selected and what did it mean for the composer 
	and his audience?  Finally, read through the text and give a literal, not 
	a poetic, translation of it.Once I saw the current Del-MD Synod bishop 
	break into the middle of a Eucharist celebration that he was leading to do 
	something along similar lines.  He turned to the congregation of youth and 
	told them "This is a big deal!  This is important!  These words, what we 
	are saying as a church, these ancient formulae...they have meaning!  Pay 

	We need to have similar moments with these works.  When I 
	sing "o Jesui filii Mariae miserare mei, miserare mei, miserere mei" I 
	want to be shouting at the audience like he did, saying "This is BIG 
	DEAL!"  When I sing "Ave Verum Corpus" I want people to understand that 
	something very real and very important to both me and the composer is 
	being shared with them.  These are not madrigals, flighty little songs 
	about love.  These are religious motets with words that meant something 
	when they were composed and still mean something today.  Nobody's musical 
	experience is lessened if they don't understand that "Il bianco e dolce 
	cigno cantando more" means that the cute and sweet swan is singing as it 
	dies.  Their experience is lessened if they ascribe the same importance to 
	those words as they do to "Requiem aeternam dona eis domine et lux 
	perpetua luceat eis," which means "rest eternal grant to them oh Lord and 
	may perpetual light shine upon them." 

	Had he and I but met
	By some old ancient inn,
	We should have sat us down to wet
	Right many a nipperkin!
	But ranged as infantry,
	And staring face to face,
	I shot at him as he at me,
	And killed him in his place.

	I shot him dead because---
	Because he was my foe,
	Just so: my foe of course he was;
	That's clear enough; although

	He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,
	Off-hand like---just as I---
	Was out of work--had sold his traps--
	No other reason why.

	Yes; quaint and curious war is!
	You shoot a fellow down
	You'd treat, if met where any bar is,
	Or help to half-a-crown.

	Thomas Hardy - Man He Killed

	Joining my friends in Tumblr madness?  Not quite yet.

	That being said...Legs, eyes and hair

	I Didn't Realize

	How much it would hurt
	How many dreams would be foregone
	How many dreams I still had
	How much I would cry
	That I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about you
	That you were the only person who I shared everything with
	That you were not only my best friend, but that nobody else comes close
	How I would see things, every day, that remind me of you
	How much it would hurt, not being able to share them with you
	That I would have to fight the instinct to call you, to email you
	That little things would come up in life and I wouldn't be able to share them with you
	How much you have supported me this past year, during my struggles with career and depression.  I haven't thanked you enough for that
	How much I would miss that support once it was gone
	How much I would miss your voice on the phone, your embrace
	How much a part of me you have become, and how empty and alone I would be once you were gone

	How much I love you.

	Stay busy

	My mind races from one thing to the next, but always returning
	to that one thought, that one inescapable thought.
	The usual distractions do not work; 
	they have never tried their strength against something so all-consuming.
	Books fail; TV fails; my work fails; even climbing fails
	Food and pleasures taste of ash.  Literally.
	The power of the mind over the body is amazing.
	I cannot stay busy.

	What if I was wrong?

	The world has grown cold


	So life is like the game of Hearts, right?  Once you've taken a 
	certain percentage of the hearts plus the queen of spades you 
	start wondering if there's a payout for taking all of them.


I spend part of my childhood waiting
for the Sterns County Bookmobile.
When it comes to town, it makes a
U-turn in front of the grade school and
glides into its place under the elms.

It is a natural wonder of late
afternoon. I try to imagine Dante,
William Faulkner, and Emily Dickinson
traveling down a double lane highway
together, country-western on the radio.

Even when it arrives, I have to wait.
The librarian is busy, getting out
the inky pad and the lined cards.
I pace back and forth in the line,
hungry for the fresh bread of the page,

because I need something that will tell me
what I am; I want to catch a book,
clear as a one-way ticket, to Paris,
to London, to anywhere. 

Joyce Sutphen - Bookmobile

Ragnar DC 2011

Mile Zero
The body is tight, keyed up from lack of sleep
You receive the baton and head off into the darkness
You stride out too powerfully, too quickly as the adrenaline peaks and fades.
Light, noise and teammates are all left behind you
Only you and the road remain.

Mile One
Your body has remembered what it is to run, what it is to pace
This is what you have trained for, this steady lope that eats up the miles.
In-two, out-two.  In-two, out-two.
The rhythm is your only companion and refrain.
All other thoughts merely flit over the surface of your mind.

Mile Two
The darkness ahead of you is broken by flashing red lights 
as you begin to climb through the fields
They become the only thing you can focus on,
The eye is drawn to movement.
You have to reach them, to catch them, to push on.

Mile Three
The lights are behind you now, but others beckon ahead
Despite the increased slope, you pick up the pace to chase them down
Without knowing how far you have run or how many miles you have left
And without the sight of the mountain ahead
The lights are the only goal you can have.

Mile Four
Four-hundred feet of climbing behind you, three hundred more to go
Not that you are aware of this
All you know is that your legs have a temporary respite
Surely the leg must be almost over
Surely the worst is behind you

Mile Four and a Half
Out of the dark and the fog looms a new slope, steeper than before
You cannot see the top, but the route is strung with those red jewels
You force your unwilling body to obey you, 
To pound out a steady tempo, to maintain the same pace as before
Your body obeys and you pass by those lights, leaving them behind you.

Mile Five
You near the top of...something
You no longer care how far you have run . you lack the energy to estimate
The mountain could not possibly be finished, though.
You do not feel as if you have worked hard enough yet.
You cannot believe that this is the peak, even as you start down
The pace speeds up, the legs stride out in a reckless flight down the hill
Each footfall strikes the ground like the blow of a hammer
You barely brake as you hurtle past more lights;
You are in a controlled fall, no longer running.
Gravity is paying you back now.

Mile Six 
The road levels off but you cannot slow down now
The feeling of speed is intoxicating
As is the knowledge that you have almost finished.
You are powerful; there is nothing your body cannot do
The last half-mile is a sprint as you search for the line
There is no need to save anything, no need to hold back
You rush to the line, to the embrace of your teammates
And almost regretfully hand off the responsibility to one of them
You do not want to stop running.

	Los ángeles no son
	enviados a cambiar
	un mundo de dolor
	por un mundo de paz.
	Me ha tocado a mí
	hacerlo realidad;
	ayúdame, Señor,
	a hacer tu voluntad.

	This one kept running through my head today.  If someone were to 
	ask me why I wanted to leave engineering and work for USCIS, my 
	answer would be the first six lines there.


	There was much discussion of Lani's relative merits, and of Donzo's 
	motivation for going out with her ("I like her!" he said helplessly when 
	pressed on the subject, though this somehow didn't seem like enough of an 
	answer). This discussion inevitably led to the more disturbing topic of 
	whether they all ought to get girlfriends now, and how such a thing was 
	done, and which girls were particularly interesting.

	Fernwithy - Teddy Lupin and the Hunter's Moon

	I am because we are,
	We are because Christ is,
	and Christ is in us.


	"It is still bad taste to be an avowed atheist.  But their agony 
	has achieved just this - that now it is equally bad taste to be an 
	avowed Christian.  Emancipation has only locked the saint in the 
	same tower of silence as the heresiarch.  Then we talk about Lord 
	Anglesey and the weather, and call it the complete liberty of all 
	the creeds."

	Heretics - G.K. Chesterton - Introductory Remarks

	Let my life be a reflection
	Of the love that you have shown.
	Let your love be my direction
	And my heart be your home.

	Lost and Found - Reflection

	Well I lift my voice to heaven for I know that I belong
	And I lift my voice to heaven and I join the angel throng.
	They are gathered 'round the altar and they sing a heavenly song
	And I lift my voice to heaven and I know that I belong.

	Lost and Found - Lift My Eyes

	Gonna make these dry bones walk.
	Gonna make these dry bones walk.
	God has decided, now I'll do more than talk
	God has made these dry bones walk.

	Gonna be the salt where the world is bland.
	Gonna be the thought when the world won't understand.
	Gonna be the light where the world is dark.
	Gonna fight the fight and gonna leave a mark.

	Gonna be the food when the world needs bread.
	Gonna be the life where the world would be dead.
	Gonna be the water in a world that would thirst...
	The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

	Gonna be the hope when the world's in despair.
	At the end of our rope, GOD WILL BE THERE.
	Gonna be the spark when the world needs a start.
	Gonna write his new law in the flesh of our hearts.

	Gonna be the way when the world is lost.
	Gonna calm the waves when the world is tossed.
	Gonna be the yeast when the world needs leaven,
	Prepare the feast for the kingdom in heaven.

	Gonna make these dry bones walk.
	Gonna make these dry bones walk.
	God has decided NOW I'LL DO MORE THAN TALK

	and run and skip for joy and shout out loud.

	Lost and Found - Bones

	We are one body, one body in Christ;
	and we do not stand alone, no we do not stand alone.
	We are one body, one body in Christ;
	and He came that we might have life.

	In coming centuries it's quite possible that, when it comes time 
	to reproduce, women will press some button on their inner thigh. 
	In the meantime, able-bodied young men are good for the following 
	gender-specific things: sex (procreative and nonprocreative); 
	installing air conditioners; and, yes, moving heavy furniture up 
	narrow flights of stairs.

	Friend or Foe blog, 6.14.11

	The expense of spirit in a waste of shame
	Is lust in action; and till action, lust
	Is perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame,
	Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust;
	Enjoy'd no sooner but despised straight;
	Past reason hunted; and no sooner had,
	Past reason hated, as a swallowed bait,
	On purpose laid to make the taker mad:
	Mad in pursuit, and in possession so;
	Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme;
	A bliss in proof, and proved, a very woe;
	Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream.

	All this the world well knows; yet none knows well
	To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

	William Shakespeare - Sonnet #129

	Another voice, low, inward and confidential, was that of 
	Babbington, who had borrowed Stephen's Hindustani phrasebook: over 
	and over again he was repeating 'Woman, wilt thou lie with me?' in 
	that language, staring impatiently north-eastwards.

	Patrick O'Brian - H.M.S. Surprise

	There is a voice inside of you
	That whispers all day long,
	"I feel that this is right for me,
	I know that THIS is wrong."
	No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
	Or wise man can decide
	What's right for you - just listen to
	The voice that speaks inside.

	Shel Silverstein - The Voice

	"No one ever owns a cat," he corrected her.  "You share a common 
	habitation on a basis of equal rights and mutual 
	respect...although somehow the cat always comes out ahead of the 

	Lillian Jackson Braun - The Cat Who Turned On and Off

	Suscipe, Domine, universam meam libertatem.


	Out of the night that covers me,
	Black as the Pit from Pole to Pole,
	I thank whatever gods may be
	For my unconquerable soul.

	In the fell clutch of circumstance
	I have not winced nor cried aloud.
	Under the bludgeonings of chance
	My head is bloody, but unbowed.

	Beyond this place of wrath and tears
	Looms but the Horror of the shade,
	And yet the menace of the years
	Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

	It matters not how strait the gate,
	How charged with punishments the scroll,
	I am the master of my fate:
	I am the captain of my soul.

	William Ernest Henley

	Hardness of heart is the result of our inability to truly accept 
	the love of God.  It is caused by the sin of pride.  When we are 
	too proud to acknowledge the love of God we are then rendered 
	incapable of sharing that love with others.

	Note to self - Read Psalm 95.

	I've lost my guide for my radical course in living.

	A man kneels in a cathedral, holding his face in his hands.  He 
	tries to ignore the nearby distractions as he prays. 

	"The Body of Christ, given for you."

	His forehead bears the reminder of the brevity of life, a cross 
	formed by ash. 

	"Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return."  

	He is overwhelmed by the realization of his own sins.  How can he 
	be beloved of God?  

	"Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa."

	The words of Joel are a consolation.

	"Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful
	Slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."

	Perhaps he can trust in God's mercy.  He should trust, he knows, 
	but trust is difficult for him.

	"Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church...and grant 
	us peace."

	Ah, peace, peace...'tis a state devoutly to be wished.  If only 
	the man could stop looking at his sins, could acknowledge the 
	peace and grace given by God.

	"Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I 
	shall be healed."

	He feels...something.  A lightening of the heart as he begins to 
	accept the reality of God's love and the gift of grace that is 

	What does God require in exchange for this gift of grace?  Nothing.  
	However, something is owed.  There is a debt to be repaid, not out of 
	obligation but gratitude.

	"To know, love and serve God in this life and be happy with Him 
	forever in the next."

	To know, love and serve God in this life...The last decade of this 
	man's life has been spent trying to discern his vocation and know 
	God.  His constant prayer: "to know and do God's will" in his 
	life.  Yet as Lent approached something seemed wrong with this 
	prayer.  He prayed to "know God's will" for his life yet was he 
	actually prepared to accept a vocation if and when it became 
	evident?  No, he was not prepared to accept such a call.  His 
	pride in abilities given by God and accomplishments achieved with 
	God's help have made it all but impossible for him to achieve the 
	degree of surrender necessary to truly follow Christ.  The Devil 
	has used the strengths of this man, gifts of God, to make him 
	proud.  Even though his self-reliance is an illusion, he clings to 
	it.  Answering God's call requires trust in God, not in self, and 
	so his prayer has changed.  

	Like Jesus in Gethsemane, he kneels and prays over and over again, 
	"Lord, let not my will but rather yours be done" until it is time 
	to rise and receive the dismissal.

	"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after 
	me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."

	Self-denial is the first step that Jesus lays out for us.  The 
	second step is sacrifice.  A willingness to take up one's cross is 
	called for.  While this sacrifice varies, many times it seems that 
	it involves the closing off of several possible avenues in life to 
	follow the path that God calls us to.  The economist would call 
	this the opportunity cost of our vocation.  Frost would talk about 
	two roads in a wood; to take one path involves the sacrifice of 
	the experiences along the other.  


	"No, Huck  leave them there.  They're just the tricks to have when 
	we go to robbing.  We'll keep them there all the time, and we'll 
	hold our orgies there, too.  It's an awful snug place for orgies."

	"What's orgies?"

	"I dono.  But robbers always have orgies, and of course we've got 
	to have them, too."

	Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

	People come to this place to not worry about who they are, to lose 
	themslves. Yet there are places where the old us, the real us, is 
	accepted and loved. There are places where we do not need to hide 
	ourselves or dull our perceptions, where in fact we see more 

	In the company of people who already know us and still love us, of a God 
	who knows us perfectly and yet still loves us, we can reveal our souls 
	rather than our bodies. We can revel in the daylight rather than hiding in 
	the darkness. We are free to be more truly ourselves than we are even when 

	What was this curse that was on me, that I could not translate 
	belief into action, and my knowledge of God into a concrete 
	campaign for possessing Him, Whom I knew to be the only true good?  
	No, I was content to speculate and argue: and I think the reason 
	is that my knowledge was too much a mere matter of natural and 
	intellectual consideration.

	Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain

	It never occurred to him to place any limits upon the appetites of 
	those who seemed to like books.  If they wanted books, well, this 
	was a library.  He had plenty of books, that was what a library 
	was for.  You could take as many as you liked, and keep them until 
	you were through: he was astonishingly free of red tape, this 
	happy little Franciscan.

	Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain

	But when my mind was absorbed in all that, how could I lead a 
	supernatural life, the life to which I was called?  How could I 
	love God, when everything I did was done not for Him but for 
	myself, and not trusting in His aid, but relying on my own wisdom 
	and talents?

	Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain

	Whoever you are, the land to which God has brought you is not like 
	the land of Egypt from which you came out.  You can no longer live 
	here as you lived there.  Your old life and your former ways are 
	crucified now, and you must not seek to live any more for your own 
	gratification, but give up your own judgement into the hands of a 
	wise director, and sacrifice your pleasures and comforts for the 
	love of God and give the money you no longer spend on those 
	things, to the poor.

	Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain

	Because of the profound and complete conversion of my intellect, I 
	thought I was entirely converted.  Because I believed in God, and 
	in the teachings of the Church, and was prepared to sit up all 
	night arguing about them with all comers, I imagined that I was 
	even a zealous Christian.

	But the conversion of the intellect is not enough.  As long as the 
	will, the domina voluntas, did not belong completely to God, even 
	the intellectual conversion was bound to remain precarious and 
	indefinite.  For although the will cannot force the intellect to 
	see an object other than it is, it can turn it away from the 
	object altogether, and prevent it from considering that thing at all.

	Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain

	Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.  Do not trouble 
	yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.  Turn 
	the old; return to them.  Things do not change; we change.  Sell 
	your clothes and keep your thoughts.  God will see that you do not 
	want society.

	Walden - Thoreau

	However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and 
	call it hard names.  It is not so bad as you are.  It looks 
	poorest when you are richest.  The fault-finder will find faults 
	even in paradise.  Love your life, poor as it is.  You may perhaps 
	have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house.
	The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as 
	brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its 
	door as early in the spring.  I do not see but a quiet mind may 
	live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a 

	Walden - Thoreau

	My first criminal-law professor taught us everything we needed to 
	know about criminal intent by reminding us of the kindergartener's 
	hierarchy of self-defense. First: "I didn't do it." Second: "I did 
	it but I didn't mean to." Third: "I meant to do it but I didn't 
	plan it." And finally: "I was upset at the time and I promise I 
	won't do it again." 

	Dahlia Lithwick in Slate

	A saner man would have found himself often enough "in formal 
	opposition" to what are deemed "the most sacred laws of society," 
	through obedience to yet more sacred laws, and so have tested his 
	resolution without going out of his way.  It is not for a man to 
	put himself in such an attitude to society, but to maintain 
	himself in whatever attitude he find himself through obedience to 
	the laws of his being, which will never be one of opposition to a 
	just government, if he should chance to meet with such.

	Hendry David Thoreau - Walden

	Confusion about where Portman stands in her ambitions isn't, in 
	fact, just a function of her own path. It's an ambiguity extending 
	through the upper strata of her generation. Portman's peers make 
	up a demographic widely perceived as a legion of overdriven 
	dilettantes, a group of young people alternately pushed to wild 
	multispecialization by some unknown inner fire and stunted by an 
	incapacity to choose among those paths.

	Slate article about Natalie Portman

	While I often feel a sense of connection to the Camel, most 
	'scruciating idle, I have more in common with the Elephant's 
	Child, full of 'satiable curiosity.

	"If you feel . . . that well-read people are less likely to be 
	evil, and a world full of people sitting quietly with good books 
	in their hands is preferable to world filled with schisms and 
	sirens and other noisy and troublesome things, then every time you 
	enter a library you might say to yourself, 'The world is quiet 
	here,' as a sort of pledge proclaiming reading to be the greater 
	~ Lemony Snicket, The Slippery Slope


	The best things happen while you're dancing.
	Things that you would not do at home come naturally on the floor
	For dancing soon becomes romancing
	When you hold a girl in your arms that you've never held before.

	~White Christmas

	Nearly everyone has a first love that she or he has never entirely 
	gotten over.  Getting married to someone else is not about 
	renouncing those feelings but about putting them in a safe place 
	where they can't hurt anyone.

	~An interesting view on this from Friend or Foe at Slate

	Go where you wanna go
	Do what you wanna do
	With whoever you wanna do it with

	Mommas and the Papas

	If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire.

	St. Catherine of Siena


	Once my wrists looked like yours
	Covered in woven floss and yarn
	Different patterns, different colors
	Created by many people to grace my arms.
	All different, yet crafted in the same spirit;
	They embodied love and friendship
	Sparked and nurtured during one golden summer.

	So many bands did I receive
	That they blended together into two tangled groups
	Near-solid gauntlets of fabric;
	So many that the details of each gift
	Melded into one fuzzy memory
	A memory containing emotion rather than fact.

	I wore my gauntlets both to remember that summer and those friends
	And to make a visual proclamation to the world that I had been a part of something special...
	Something important...something magical in its intensity.

	Once my wrists looked like yours.


The solstice approaches and once again my thoughts turn to regret.
Maybe this is just something I do in the winter as the sun slowly abandons me.
My thoughts turn inward and towards the past
Directed towards those moments in life when decisions were made.
Did I do the right thing?
How did I hurt other people...and myself?
What would the future have been like if only I had...

Each year there are more candidates for these moments of introspection.
More decisions, more past, more hurt.  More universes created by each choice.
Given this, why does my mind return to a select few each year?
Are they any more important than the others?
But so what?

This mental exercise is not particularly helpful.  The past can teach us 
lessons, but dwelling on our regrets is about as useful as worrying about 
the future.  Both distract us from the beauty and joy found in each day.  Maybe 
this is why my mind turns to regret during the winter; the beauty of each 
day around me because harder to see.  Yet the beauty is still there, the 
green blade does come forth from the seed.  Life is a precious gift, and 
living in regret wastes this day that God has made.


Facing Towards Jerusalem

The Kingdom of God is near!
The Messiah makes his royal progress, a triumphant procession to His capital and His throne.
The cup of salvation offered at the coronation feast.
The crown of thorns, the royal robe flecked with crimson.
His throne a cross, His courtiers thieves, load hosannas turned to wailing.

Yet this is the moment of our reconciliation to God, the blood that bridges the gap caused by our sin, by my sin.
Laughter in tears, joy in our sorrow, our new lives in His death.  

He turned his face towards Jerusalem, towards His suffering and our salvation.

With the death of the King, the Kingdom of God has been made manifest.


	Live by the Spirit, I say, and do not gratify the desires of the 
	flesh.  For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and 
	what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are 
	opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want.  
	But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the law.  
	Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, 
	licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, 
	anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy drunkenness, 
	carousing, and things like these.  I am warning you, as I warned 
	you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom 
	of God.

	By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 
	patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and 
	self-control.  There is no law against such things.  And those who 
	belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions 
	and desires.  If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by 
	the Spirit.

	Galatians 5:16-25

	Poirot - The English they do not have a cuisine my friend, 
		they have only the food.
	Hastings - Well, That's a bit harsh
	Poirot - Like the meat...overcooked
		The vegetables...too soft
		The cheese, inedible

	Agatha Christie - The Yellow Iris

	Gracias a Dios.  I would HATE to be French.  I would be miserable.  
	It would be absolutely wretched to be French.

	HollyAnne Giffin

	The numbers go by in a blur.  The brain takes refuge in this.  
What do the numbers mean after all?  How can the brain comprehend the 
deportation of millions, the death of uncounted others through exposure, 
starvation, and execution.  After a while the numbers merely flicker past 
the eyes because they can mean nothing.  The author, however, realizes 
this.  While the eyes seek refuge in meaningless numbers, individual 
stories inflict themselves on the mental landscape.  Babies thrown out of 
moving railway cars.  War heroes, accused of being enemies of the state 
because they own a cow, dragged into the streets and shot.  Bystanders 
being deported for handing starving children pieces of bread.  

How can thing like this happen?  A dumb question.  Things like these do 
not "happen."  We, humans, are the agents.  Collectively we authorize and 
sanction the most barbaric, horrific and dehumanizing treatment of our 
fellow men.  Not only that, many of us actively participate.  To claim 
that those who are responsible have somehow separated themselves from our 
common humanity is false.  No man is an island unto himself.  Just as 
Donne pointed out that each man's death is the death of us all, so too 
each man's sin is or becomes the sin of us all.  We are all guilty.

	New Beginnings

	The future is open wide.

	Doubt thou the stars are fire,
	Doubt that the sun doth move,
	Doubt truth to be a liar,
	But never doubt I love.

	To do otherwise would be insulting and piss me off.

	William Shakespeare - Hamlet

	God is good...
	Some of the time.
	And some of the time...
	He really just wants to mess with your head.

	Now therefore, while the youthful hue	 
	Sits on thy skin like morning dew,	 
	And while thy willing soul transpires
	At every pore with instant fires,	 
	Now let us sport us while we may,	 
	And now, like amorous birds of prey,	 
	Rather at once our time devour	 
	Than languish in his slow-chapt power.
	Let us roll all our strength and all	 
	Our sweetness up into one ball,	 
	And tear our pleasures with rough strife	 
	Thorough the iron gates of life:	 
	Thus, though we cannot make our sun
	Stand still, yet we will make him run.

	Andrew Marvell - To His Coy Mistress

	As soon as a friendship passed a certain point - some obscure and 
	secret boundary - a woman quite automatically became overwhelmed 
	by a raging compulsion to complicate things.

	David Eddings - Magician's Gambit

	So if I sing let me sing for the joy that has born in me these songs,
	And if I weep let it be as a man who is longing for his home.

	Jars of Clay - If I Stand

	Same bed, same room, same alarm, same can it all 
	bear to still be the same when things should be so different?

	Girl, you chunky.

	Madagascar II


	You've got to march right up to this woman
	Look her right in the eye
	Lean forward, right, just a little ... almost all the way
	Then you let her like lean forward just another little way until 
	you are just a lip's distance away from each other
	And then you just tell her much you ...

	Madagascar II

	Give me your eyes for just one second
	Give me your eyes so I can see
	Everything that I keep missing
	Give me your love for humanity
	Give me your arms for the broken hearted
	The ones that are far beyond my reach
	Give me you heart for the ones forgotten
	Give me your eyes so I can see

	Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes


	We live we love
	We forgive and never give up
	'Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
	Today we remember to live and to love

	Superchick - We Live

	Empty me of the selfishness inside
	Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride
	And any foolish thing my heart holds to
	Lord empty me of me
	So I can be filled with you.

	Chris Sligh - Empty Me

	The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be 
	preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it.

	Terry Pratchett - Monstrous Regiment




	It was late in the afternoon.  I was packing the most needed 
	things.  She followed me.  She went after me from one room to 
	another.  She shuffled around my legs.  My cat Mira, as if she 
	knew I was leaving.  Yes, she knew it very well.

	When I took my bags she went after me.  I told her: "Stay there, 
	Mira, watch our house.  Luka and I are leaving.  Even though we 
	don't know where we are going."

	Mira stopped.  She stopped and followed me with her eyes.  I 
	walked and looked back nobody knows how many times, and she was 
	still there, on the same spot, watching us.  I started to cry.  I 
	cried while walking.  We were far away.  I couldn't see her 
	anymore, but I could see her and her eyes as if she were before 

Dusanka Maric, late 60s, Bosnia-Herzegovina  (written in Belgrade in 1995)

	He distrusted the kind of person who'd take one look at another 
	man and say in a lordly voice to his companion, 'Ah, my dear sir, 
	I can tell you nothing except that he is a left-handed stonemason 
	who has spent some years in the merchant navy and has recently 
	fallen upon hard times,' and then unroll a lot of supercilious 
	commentary about calluses and stance and the state of a man's 
	boots, when exactly the same comments could apply to a man who was 
	wearing his old clothes because he'd been doing a spot of home 
	bricklaying for a new barbecue pit, and had been tatooed once when 
	he was drunk and seventeen and in fact got seasick on a wet 
	pavement.  What arrogance!  What an insult to the rich and chaotic 
	variety of the human experience!

	Terry Pratchett - Feet of Clay

	"What good would a lot of money do me, hey?"
	The clientele looked puzzled.  This seemed to be a question along 
	the lines of 'Alcohol, is it nice?' or 'Hard work, do you want to 
	do it?'

	Terry Pratchett - Feet of Clay

	"How many dishonorable discharges have you had?"
	"Lots," said Nobby, proudly.  "But I always puts a poultice on 'em."

	Terry Pratchett - Men at Arms


	Put your arms around me
	What you feel is what you are
	And what you are is beautiful.

	Goo Goo Dolls - Slide


	O LORD, you have enticed me
	and I was enticed;
	you have overpowered me,
	and you have prevailed.
	I have become a laughingstock all day long;
	everyone mocks me.
	For whenever I speak, I must cry out,
	I must shout, "Violence and destruction!"
	For the word of the LORD has become for me
	a reproach and derision all day long.
	If I say, "I will not mention him,
	or speak any more in his name,"
	then within me there is something like a burning fire
	shut up in my bones;
	I am weary with holding it in,
	and I cannot.
	For I hear many whispering:
	"Terror is all around!
	Denounce him! Let us denounce him!"
	All my close friends are watching for me to stumble.
	"Perhaps he can be enticed,
	and we can prevail against him,
	and take our revenge on him."
	But the LORD is with me like a dread warrior;
	therefore my persecutors will stumble,
	and they will not prevail.
	They will be greatly shamed,
	for they will not succeed.
	Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten.
	O LORD of hosts, you test the righteous,
	you see the heart and the mind;
	let me see your retribution upon them,
	for to you I have committed my cause.
	Sing to the LORD;
	praise the LORD!
	For he has delivered the life of the needy
	from the hands of evildoers.

	Jeremiah 20: 7-13

	Yes, this culture is elitist.  Just walk down the aisles of your 
	local, union-free organic grocery, unutterably cool but way beyond 
	your price range.  Or stroll through the most upscale shopping 
	district of your city, where you might notice the fake-shattered 
	windows favored by one national retailer, evidently trying for 
	that '60s look while not losing any stock to actual looters.

	Yes, it's offensive, too.  It's meant to be that way, to remind 
	you always that you are not hot; that you've bought the wrong 
	brand; that the vanguard is way ahead of you; that, with your 
	organization-man craving for health benefits or job security, you 
	probably need to be fired.

	Thomas Frank - WSJ Editorial Page

	I went to a shrink to analyze my dreams.
	She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down.

	Green Day - Basketcase

	Wrestling was perfect for you.  You were so FAST!
	It was like watching a little greased monkey.

	Mom, talking about me

	He used to want to try to walk the straight and narrow.
	He had a fire and he could feel it in the marrow.
	It's been a long time and I haven't seen him lately
	But I've been searching for that Missing Person.

	Michael W. Smith - Missing Person

	"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but 
	to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the 
	triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have 
	conquered but to have fought well."

	Olympic Creed


	Citius, Altius, Fortius

	Olympic Motto

	Diego - Remember, I have the most sensual voice in the city.  It 
	makes the women melt.

	Me - "Pissing themselves" isn't the same as "melting."

	Riding behind you is like riding behind the motorcycle.

	My friend Paolo, after I had taken two HARD, LONG pulls at the 
	front of the group.

	I want to go fast.

	Will Ferrell - Talledega Nights

	The other night dear as I lay sleeping
	I dreamed I held you in my arms
	But when I woke dear I as mistaken
	And I hung my head and I cried

	You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
	You make me happy when skies are grey
	You'll never know dear how much I love you
	Please don't take my sunshine away

	You are my Sunshine

	"There is no salvation outside the church."

	St. Augustine - Of Baptism

	"Well, look who's up!  Good morning sleepyhead!
	You've missed the best part of the day! I've been up since 6:30 
	getting many things accomplished."

	Calvin & Hobbes

	Tienes asma, o has mamado?

	Diego Zhindon 

	"You'll have heard about yon offin' youth's missus running off," he said.

	"Yes," I replied, "I did hear about it."

	I waited for Luke to gloat but he seemed strangely ill at ease.

	He fidgeted until I had finished drying my hands, then he glared 
	at me and bared his strong teeth.

	"I'll tell you something James," he ground out, "I wish someone 
	would take my bugger."

	James Herriot - All Creatures Great and Small

	Oleg had learned patience with his current life-threatening 
	adventure, but one thing he'd never learned, and never expected to 
	learn, was how to watch a woman shop...without wishing to throttle 

	Tom Clancy - Red Rabbit (Thankfully, my mother and girlfriend 
	DON'T enjoy shopping)

	You'll be alright. Doesn't mean that it doesn't suck not to have 
	a rudder.
	One of my friends broke his last spring.
	Was a bear of a time getting the boat home.
	But he did it.

	Mark Parker

	When I was your age, television was called "books."

	The Princess Bride

	The Road goes ever on and on
	Down from the door where it began.
	Now far ahead the Road has gone,
	And I must follow, if I can,
	Pursuing it with eager feet,
	Until it joins some larger way
	Where many paths and errands meet.
	And whither then? I cannot say.

	Bilbo Baggins as recorded in "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien

	One sister for sale!
	One sister for sale!
	One crying and spying young sister for sale!
	I'm really not kidding,
	So who'll start the bidding?
	Do I hear a dollar?
	A nickel?
	A penny?
	Oh, isn't there, isn't there, isn't there any
	One kid who will buy this old sister for sale,
	This crying and spying young sister for sale?

	For Sale - Shel Silverstein

	Sometimes I believe all the lies so I can do the things I should 
	And every day I am swayed by whatever is on my mind

	Caedmon's Call - Shifting Sand

	well I'm just a regular joe, with a regular job.  I'm your
	average white suburbanite slob.  I like football, and porno, and 
	books about war.  I've got an average house with a nice hardwood 
	floor.  My wife, and my job, my kids, and my car, my feet on the 
	table and a Cuban cigar.  

	But sometimes that just ain't enough...

	Dennis Leary - for me it'll never be enough.  suburbanite?  
	regular job?  please God, no!

	I'll be home for Christmas,
	You can plan on me.
	Please have snow, and mistletoe
	And presents on the tree.

	Christmas Eve will find me
	Where the love-light gleams.
	I'll be home for Christmas
	If only in my dreams.

	Best version by Bing Crosby

	Westron wind, when will thou blow?
	The small rain down can rain.
	Christ, that my love were in my arms,
	And I in my bed again.


	Go to college, a university
	Get a real job, that's what they said to me
	But I could never live the way they want

	I'm gonna get by and just do my time
	Out of step while they get in line
	I'm just a minor threat so pay no mind

	The Anthem - Good Charlotte

	I don't want your boring life
	and I don't want your nine to five
	Or anyone to tell me how to live my life

	Festival Song - Good Charlotte


	Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child

	Listen to the DON'TS

	Listen to the SHOULDN'TS


	Listen to the NEVER HAVES

	Then listen close to me -

	Anything can happen, child, ANYTHING can be.

	Shel Silverstein - I need to think about this poem more often

	We play with the cards that we're dealt...

	But I threw away a flush and ended up with two low pair

	Because I was bored and not paying attention to the game.

	Me, reflecting on England

	"Two days," she thought, "and they'll be back at school! What a lovely, what a heavenly thought for a

	She remembered vaguely some wicked remark by a woman columnist.

	Only six happy days in the year for a woman.

	The first and the last days of the holidays. How true that was, thought Mrs Ramsay, sweeping up
	portions of her best dinner-service. With what pleasure, what joy, had she contemplated the return of her
	offspring a bare five weeks before! And now? "The day after tomorrow," she repeated to herself, "the
	day after tomorrow Bill and Ted will be back at school. I can hardly believe it. I can't wait!"

	How heavenly it had been five weeks ago when she met them at the station. Their tempestuous and
	affectionate welcome! The way they had rushed all over the house and garden. A special cake baked for
	tea. And now - what was she looking forward to now? A day of complete peace. No enormous meals
	to prepare, no incessant clearing up. She loved the boys - they were fine boys, no doubt of that. She
	was proud of them. But they were also exhausting. Their appetite, their vitality, the noise they made.

	Agatha Christie - The Clocks

	Scientific progress goes "boink"?

	Calvin & Hobbes

	Cuando tienes ganas de comer carne, no compras toda la vaca.
	Solo compras algunas dos o tres libras.

	A saying in Ecuador

	Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
	With a corncob pipe and a button nose and eyes made out of coal.
	Frosty the snowman is a fairytale they say
	He was made of snow but the children know that he came to life one 

	Favorite Version by Bing Crosby - This song made me cry today

	Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended, 
	that we to judge thee have in hate pretended? 
	By foes derided, by thine own rejected, 
	O most afflicted!

	Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon thee? 
	Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone thee! 
	'Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied thee; 
	I crucified thee.

	Lo, the Good Shepherd for the sheep is offered; 
	the slave hath sinned, and the Son hath suffered. 
	For our atonement, while we nothing heeded, 
	God interceded.

	For me, kind Jesus, was thy incarnation, 
	thy mortal sorrow, and thy life's oblation; 
	thy death of anguish and thy bitter passion, 
	for my salvation.

	Therefore, kind Jesus, since I cannot pay thee, 
	I do adore thee, and will ever pray thee, 
	think on thy pity and thy love unswerving, 
	not my deserving.

	Johann Heermann - Ah, Holy Jesus

	I don't think I'd have been in such a hurry to reach adulthood if 
	I'd known the whole thing was going to be ad-libbed.

	Calvin & Hobbes

	Hold me now
	I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
	Maybe six feet
	Ain't so far down

	Creed - One Last Breath

	Funding for Medicaid depends on politicians' sense of decency, 
	always a fragile foundation for policy.

	What to do about health care Krugman 2006

	O WHAT can ail thee, knight-at-arms,	
	  Alone and palely loitering?	
	The sedge has wither'd from the lake,	
	  And no birds sing.

	John Keats - La Belle Dame Sans Merci

	Why are there so many 
	songs about rainbows
	and what's on the other side?
	Rainbows are visions, 
	but only illusions
	and rainbows have nothing to hide.

	So we've been told
	and some choose to believe it.
	I know they're wrong...wait and see.

	Some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection
	the lovers, the dreamers and me.

	Kermit the Frog - The Rainbow Connection

	Books to the ceiling,
	Books to the sky,
	My pile of books is a mile high.
	How I love them! How I need them!
	I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.

	Arnold Lobel

	Every secret prayer
	Every fancy free
	Everything I dared for both you and me
	All my wildest dreams
	Multiplied by two
	They were you...They were you...They were you

	The Fantasticks - They Were You

	The Iowa landscape is a patchwork of corn and soybean 
	monocultures, with about as much biodiversity as a bachelor's 

	A funny and true quote from the Post.

	The radio was on when I rode the bus in to work this morning.  A 
	public service announcement came on, about fatherhood.  It was an 
	extremely touching poem about a father.s love for his children, 
	doing everything for them, his hours of work, his sweat, his 
	callouses and blisters.  About treating them with patience, loving 
	them, etc.  Basically about how his world should revolve around 
	his children.

	It was a poem, with a musical background.

	In any event, I almost started crying there on the bus, thinking 
	about children.  I really do want to be a father.  But it goes 
	beyond that.  I want to have children that are of my flesh, and 
	that of the woman I love.  To have a part to play in the nature as 
	well as the nurture.  Part of that is due to arrogance/pride.  But 
	part of it is also very human.

	The sun the sun
	comes round the corner
	like a shining knight of old
	galloping over the landscape
	on the horses of morning
	And shaking his lance over us
	in trance of night
	awakens us to speak or sing
	to banish death and darkness
	And each steed a word
	each verb a stallion
	reared up against all ignorance
	Untamed rampant radicals
	in dictionaries of light

	Ferlinghetti (thanks amiga)

	They say "time heals everything"
	But I'm still waiting

	Dixie Chicks

	How long have I been in this storm?
	So overwhelmed by the ocean's shapeless form.
	Water's getting harder to tread,
	With these waves crashing over my head.

	If I could just see you,
	Everything would be all right.
	If I'd see you, 
	This darkness would turn to light.

	And I will walk on water
	And you will catch me if I fall
	And I will get lost into your eyes
	I know everything will be all right
	I know everything is all right

	I know you didn't bring me out here to drown.
	So why am I ten feet under and upside down?
	Barely surviving has become my purpose
	'cause I'm so used to living underneath the surface.

	If I could just see you,
	Everything would be all right.
	If I'd see you,
	This darkness would turn to light

	And I will walk on water
	And you will catch me if I fall
	And I will get lost into your eyes
	I know everything will be all right

	And I will walk on water
	And you will catch me if I fall
	And I will get lost into your eyes
	I know everything will be all right
	I know everything is all right

	Lifehouse - Storm

	Calvin:  I'm never gonna get married.  Are you?
	Hobbes:  Hmm...I suppose if the right person came along, I might.
	Hobbes:  Somebody with green eyes and a nice laugh, who I could 
		 call "pooty pie."
	Calvin:  POOTY PIE!!!!
	Hobbes:  Or "Bisty Pookums."
	Calvin:  I think that would affect my stomach a lot more than my 
	Hobbes:  "Bitsy Pookums," I'd say.  "Yes, Snoogy Woogy," she'd 

	Calvin & Hobbes

	Calvin:  Hey mom, can we go out for hamburgers tonight?
	Mother:  Not tonight, dear.
	Calvin:  Aw, Mom! Why not?
	Mother:  Because I'm already fixing something for dinner.
	Calvin:  Yeah...I know.

	Calvin & Hobbes (my sisters did this to me just the other week)

	Hobbes:  Are you making any resolutions for the new year?
	Calvin:  Yeah, I'm resolving to just wing it and see what happens.
	Hobbes:  So you're staying the course?
	Calvin:  I stick to my strengths.

	Calvin & Hobbes (With a marked similarity to my own life plan)

	"My goodness, someone cut your hair mighty short.  Ouch."

	My Mother

	Is it too early in the day for you to pretend to be a dog?

	Me, to a coworker at 8:15 AM

	"El cura ya está en el infierno."

	Guys in Cuenca discussing the recent death of a priest noted for 
	his acquisition of money by selling fake university degrees.

	You know every guy in here tonight would like to take you home.
	I've got way more class than them, Babe, that ain't what I want.
	I'd like to see you out in the moonlight.
	I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks.
	I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
	And I'd like to check you for ticks.

	Brad Paisley - Ticks

	Stand up for what you believe in
	God (He's the one to back you up)
	Will stand with you.

	Veggietales - Stand

	But nurse, I don't want my shot...
	"Cabrón, no me jodas."

	Start a huge, foolish project...
	Like Noah.


	If you miss the train I'm on
	You will know that I am gone.
	You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

	Lord I'm one, Lord I'm two,
	Lord I'm three, Lord I'm four,
	Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home.

	So how does failure affect us?  More specifically, how does it 
	affect me?  Failure probably comes up for us in life less often 
	that we might think, given our frailties.  We avoid situations 
	where failure seems likely, tailoring our challenges to our 
	strengths.  I do that, whether consciously or unconsciously.  
	Failure probably comes up most often for us in those areas where 
	life challenges all(or most) of us.  As boyfriends or girlfriends, 
	spouses, parents, friends.  These areas are where we fail most 
	often.  Indeed, some degree of failure (and learning through 
	experience) is expected when we tackle these challenges.  But how 
	does it affect us when we fail in one of our areas of strength?  
	How do we react to a severe disappointment in one of our chosen 

	I suppose that I really just want to throw the question out there 
	because I certainly don't have any well-formed answers.  Do we 
	re-evaluate our strengths?  Do we look for the things that 
	undermined our success?  In short, do we use it as a "learning 
	experience" and move on stronger and better?

	Or does it damage our confidence, make brittle our pride and fill 
	us with doubts as to future challenges?  Do we become hesitant to 
	step forward and meet those challenges, instead retreating into 
	comfortable and peaceful obscurity?

	I don't know.

	Just a city boy...

	Journey - Don't Stop Believin'

	Right now, chatting with my friends consists of a lot of 
	"commitment" decisions. You know the kind- people getting engaged 
	and married, having kids, buying houses. But it's also struck me 
	how much weight we tend to put on smaller decisions that really 
	could change. If you live in a house with a 30 year mortgage, you 
	don't have to stay there 30 years. You just up and move. If you're 
	in a job you don't get satisfaction out of, you find something 
	else. People will tell you it's not easy, and they're right, but 
	honestly, when did the good things in life become easy? You always 
	have to give up something to get something else. There's always a 
	choice. To think you don't have a choice, or that you're trapped 
	in your life takes away the ownership that God has given you over 
	your life. God wants us to have freedom, not be enslaved. So much 
	of that is a state of mind, too. So why do I face decisions as if 
	this one tiny decision will turn the course of my entire life? I'm 
	still myself, and I'll still have a thousand more decisions to 
	make by the end of the day, and I can, at any time, choose 
	something totally different. There are consequences for every 
	action, but in a sense, when we choose the action, we choose the 
	consequences as well, and therefore we still own our choices. For 
	better or worse, it's not anyone else's life but my own. So when I 
	choose to follow God, I take part in our relationship and the 
	consequences that follow. Sometimes it's hard. In fact most of the 
	time it's hard. But I have chosen it, so I can own those hardships 
	as something God is doing in my life to refine me and make me 
	grow. And there is freedom in that.

	Bethany Wallace - Blog post October 2007

	When I was younger so much younger than today
	I never needed anybody's help in any way.
	But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured
	Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

	The Beatles - Help!

	'I mean . . . well, you know what people call men who wear wigs 
	and gowns, don't you?'
	'Yes, miss.'
	'You do?'
	'Yes, miss. Lawyers, miss.'
	'Good. Yes. Good,' said Angua slowly. 'Now try another one . . .'
	'Er . . . actors, miss?'
	Angua gave up. 'You look good in taffeta, Nobby,' she said.

	Terry Pratchett - The Fifth Elephant

	The Librarian is, of course, very much in favour of reading in 
	general, but readers in particular get on his nerves. There is 
	something sacrilegious about the way people keep taking books off 
	the shelves and wearing out the words by reading them. He likes 
	people who love and respect books, and the best way to do that, in 
	the Librarian's opinion, is to leave them on the shelves where 
	Nature intended them to be.

	Terry Pratchett

	May the fruit we bear be Christ.
	May the harvest be ripe.
	Or the fruit won't fall so far from the tree
	Abide in you, Abide in me
	And the Father is glorified...

	May the fruit we bear be Christ.

	Lost and Found - Fruit We Bear

	Well, I never seem to do it like anybody else
	Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
	If you ever want to find me I can still be found

	Taking the long way
	Taking the long way around

	Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way

	It's the...
	Easy silence that you make for me
	It's okay when there's nothing more to say to me
	And the peaceful quiet you create for me
	And the way you keep the world at bay for me
	The way you keep the world at bay

	Dixie Chicks - Easy Silence

	Many feel they are called to the priesthood, but what they really 
	hear is an inner voice saying, "It's indoor work with no heavy 
	lifting, do you want to be a ploughman like your father?"

	Terry Pratchett - "Small Gods"

	Why do you go away?  So that you can come back.  So that you can 
	see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours.  And 
	the people there see you differently, too.  Coming back to where 
	you started is not the same as never leaving.

	Terry Pratchett - A Hat Full of Sky

	'It's not as simple as that. It's not a black and white issue. 
	There are so many shades of grey.'



	'There's no greys, only white that's got grubby.'

	Terry Pratchett - Carpe Jugulum

	Lord, search my heart,
	create in me something clean.
	You see flowers in these weeds.

	Five Iron Frenzy

	(after I was surprised that my parents weren't familiar with Duran Duran)
	Dad - "Well, we are from the generation of sex, drugs and rock & 
	roll.  Except that we never did drugs and don't know much about 

	As has been pointed out earlier in the Discworld chronicles, 
	entire agricultural economies have been based on the lifting power 
	of little old ladies in black dresses.

	Terry Pratchett - Lords and Ladies  (This quote makes me think of 
	some of the rural women in the Andes, as they carry 50kg sacks of 
	cement uphill to the jobsite.)

	Ninety percent of true love is acute, ear-burning embarrassment.

	Terry Pratchett - Wyrd Sisters

	(After my boss, Ing. Moscoso, announced that the "ventilador" on 
	his computer was working.)

	Me - Que hiciste?
	Ing. Moscoso - Nada
	Me - No pegaste?
	Ing. Moscoso - No 
	Me - No es una cura comun aqui?
	Ing. Moscoso - Para las mujeres.

	When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy 
	food and clothes.


	(Thinking of England.  I'm not sure if I'll ever understand how 
	that's affected me.)

	"The Little Blue Engine"

	The little blue engine looked up at the hill.
	His light was weak, his whistle was shrill.
	He was tired and small, and the hill was tall,
	And his face blushed red as he softly said,
	"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

	So he started up with a chug and a strain,
	And he puffed and pulled with might and main.
	And slowly he climbed, a foot at a time,
	And his engine coughed as he whispered soft,
	"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

	With a squeak and a creak and a toot and a sigh,
	With an extra hope and an extra try,
	He would not stop . now he neared the top .
	And strong and proud he cried out loud,
	"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!"

	He was almost there, when - CRASH! SMASH! BASH!
	He slid down and mashed into engine hash
	On the rocks below... which goes to show
	If the track is tough and the hill is rough,
	THINKING you can just ain't enough!

	Shel Silverstein

	"Toy has decided to be masterful today."
	Robert Jordan

	"Yes!" Scout cried between sniffles. "Yes, exactly! .. . How did you know?"

	Yoda scrambled up onto the bed and sat beside her, letting his little legs
	dangle in space. His ears perked. "Secret, shall I tell you?" He leaned in
	close, so she could feel his whiskers rasping against her face. "Grand Master of
	Jedi Order am I!" he said loudly right in her ear. "Won this job in a raffle I
	did, think you?" He snuffed and waved his stubby fingers in the air. "How did
	you know, how did you know, Master Yoda?" he said mincingly, followed by another
	snort. "Master Yoda knows these things. His job it is."

	Mistakes - I've made a few
	And although I try
	I'm guilty of all the things I do
	You understand me, I'm part of your plan
	I see now that you are all that I am

	I've heard the talk, of how you changed the world

	Because you...

	You held your breath - everything changed
	Gave up your life for my freedom.
	No one deserves the price you paid...
	But that is your way.

	Echelon - One Breath Held

	Calvin - "There's a new girl in our class."
	Hobbes - "Well! What's her name?"
	Calvin - "Who knows?"
	Hobbes - "Is she nice?"
	Calvin - "WHO CARES? - NOT ME!"
	Hobbes - "Do you LIKE her?"
	Calvin - "NO!!!!!"

	From Calvin & Hobbes, clearly.  I put this up because anytime I so 
	much as mention a girl other than Donna here in Ecuador everyone 
	immediately says something like "Do you like her?" or "You're 
	going to marry her, aren't you?"

	Hot town, summer in the city
	Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
	Been down, isn't it a pity
	Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city

	Lovin' Spoonful

	Ain't no rock
	Gonna sing in my place
	As long as I'm alive
	I'll glorify His holy name.

	Always hoped that I'd be an apostle
	Knew that I would make it if I tried
	Then when we retire we can write the Gospels
	So they'll all talk about us when we die.

	Jesus Christ Superstar

	If we want hope to survive in this world today
	Then everyday we've got to pray on on, pray on
	If we want hope to survive in this world today
	Then everyday we've got to pray on.

	Sweet Honey in the Rock

	Do not stand on my grave and weep;
	I am not there. I do not sleep.
	I am a thousand winds that blow.
	I am the diamond glints on snow.
	I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
	I am the gentle autumn's rain.
	When you awaken in the morning's hush,
	I am the swift uplifting rush
	Of quiet birds in the circled flight.
	I am the soft stars that shine at night.
	Do not stand at my grave and cry;
	I am not there. I did not die.

	Anonymous epitaph

	Cuando dos enamoradas estan muy lejos...
	Cuatro personas estan felices.

	Ing. Juan Villavicencio - Senior Manager at ETAPA

	I can see through you
	See your true colors.


	Dreams last so long


	Of my hands I give to you oh Lord.
	Of my hands I give to you.
	I give to you as you gave to me.
	Of my hands I give to you.

	Of my life I give to you oh Lord.
	Of my life I give to you.
	I give to you as you gave to me.
	Of my life I give to you.

	Boom, here comes the Boom
	Ready or not, here come the boys from the South

	P.O.D. (Go Terps)

	I'd rather go to Carolina and get a great education and still be 
	cool than get into Duke and lose all your balls and be a dork

	Quote from a random YouTube user

	Hooray for International Women's Day

	"Amor es... una eterna lucha entre la verga y la chucha."

	The definition of love, according to Fabian, my boss

	"Andres, necesitas usar el teclado en una manera mas suave.  
	Necesitas tratar el compu como una mujer: con carino y delicadeza."

	"Comparing a computer to a woman shows how much you've been 
	contaminated by your 30 years of marriage to an engineer."

	Rosalia Ordonez and I

	Has olvidado la propina
	No te preocupes... esta noche le da

	"Thinking about diarrhea temporarily makes your ass less sexy."

	"We could stay up and talk..."
	"No, we'll only be staying up if it involves touching."

	Quote about the past and stuff from "The World is Flat"

	"No, Andrew, go for the middle of the skirt.  Aim for the 

	My captain's instructions while sailing.

	Where are you going?
	Where are you going?
	Can you take me with you?
	For my hand is cold and needs warmth
	Where are you going?


	Speak to the skies
	Is anyone listening?
	Please, desperately seeking reply


	Whatever we deny or embrace, for worse or for better
	We belong, we belong, we belong together.

	Pat Benatar

	"Running is Joy, Racing is Glory"

	From the Cambridge Hare & Hounds website

	"I hope you didn't get hepatitis from the cow crap."

	My friend Rita Kalra

	"You always used to say I was wanton, when we was younger," said 

	Granny hesitated, caught momentarily off-balance.  Then she waved 
	a hand irritably.

	"You was, of course," she said dismissively.  "But you never used 
	magic for it, did you?"

	"Didn't have to," said Nanny happily.  "An off-the-shoulder dress 
	did the trick most of the time."

	"Right off the shoulder and onto the grass, as I recall," said 

	Terry Pratchett, in "Witches Abroad"

	The New Colossus

	Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, 
	With conquering limbs astride from land to land; 
	Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand 
	A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame 
	Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name 
	Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand 
	Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command 
	The air-bridged harbor, that twin cities frame. 
	"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she 
	With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, 
	Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 
	The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. 
	Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, 
	I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 

	Emma Lazarus

4/07/06 through 4/09/06


	"There's nothing to be afraid of.  Look, he's Mr. Tumnus or Mr. 
	Tumnus' brother."

	Young mother to her small child, referring to me.

	"Pierce, you remind me of a dog I once had.  He too was cheerful 
	in the morning... so I gave him to a family of immigrant Japanese and 
	they ate him."


	If shame had a face I think it would kind of look like mine
	If it had a home would it be my eyes?
	Would you believe me if I said "I'm tired of this?"
	Well here we go now one more time.

	Lifehouse, "Sick Cycle Carousel"

	Sometimes I look like my dad in the face, and that's not a good 

	"Nameless Friend"

	Just as I should seek in a desert for clean water, or toil at the 
	North Pole to make a comfortable fire, so I shall search the land 
	of void and vision until I find something fresh like water, and 
	comforting like fire; until I find some place in eternity, where I 
	am literally at home.  And there is only one such place to be 

	G.K. Chesterton in "Orthodoxy"

	Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot.  
	Every man who will not have softening of the heart must at last 
	have softening of the brain.

	G.K. Chesterton in "Orthodoxy"

	A Thought:  IF Rafe is the Captain and the Captain is Rafe, then 
	by the same logic the Captain's wife and daugter are Rafe's wife 
	and daughter.  Ergo, Rafe will be guilty of incest and bigamy.  
	This thought brought to you courtesy of H.M.S. Pinafore.

	"Yeah, the girl you dated in your second senior year was pretty 
	"You mean pretty self-absorbed, right?"

	Donna Pedersen and Erin Ryan

	"Nick the f***** Caner-Medley is f*****g ***"

	Last line of my girlfriend's dream this morning
	"She was already learning that if you ignore the rules people 
	will, half the time, quietly rewrite them so that they don't apply 
	to you."

	Terry Pratchett, "Equal Rites"

	This world has nothing for me
	And this world has everything.
	All that I could want
	And nothing that I need

	Caedomon's Call

	"I hope you take your pants off at some point."

	Come with me, under my coat
	And we will drink our fill
	Of the milk of the white goat,
	Or wine if it be thy will

	And we will talk until
	Talk is a trouble, too,
	Out on the side of the hill,
	And nothing is left to do,
	But an eye to look into an eye
	And a hand in a hand to slip,
	And a sigh to answer a sigh,
	And a lip to find out a lip

	What if the night be black
	And the air on the mountain chill,
	Where the goat lise down in her track
	And all but the fern is still!

	Stay with me under my coat,
	And we will drink our fill
	Of the milk of the white goat
	Out on the side of the hill

	James Stephens, "The Coolun"

	I frequently wish that the future was clearer.  God continually 
	disappoints in that way.  He's rather niggardly with revelation.


	The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach 
	for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our 
	minds, and that's what you've given me.


	I sleep with a bear.
	I know what you're thinking now, "That's unnatural."
	But I sleep with a bear.
	Why a bear?

	The bear was a gift from my far-away love
	'though most bears are fierce, she's like a dove.

	Her teeth aren't a problem, she has no claws
	'though she has something held in her paws.

	A bright red heart, with something inscribed
	A message for those left love-deprived?

	I re-read the words, put them close to my heart
	'though I know that the phrase is only the start...

Of something that really goes beyond three words, something we fail to express fully, something deeper.  The start of a 
life together, the basis for everything else, the simple fact behind the drama, complexity, happiness and sometimes 
pain.  The simple statement:

"I love you."

	My heart is like a singing bird
	  Whose nest is in a water'd shoot;
	My heart is like an apple-tree
	  Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit;
	My heart is like a rainbow shell
	  That paddles in a halcyon sea;
	My heart is gladder than all these
	  Because my love is come to me.

	Raise me a dais of silk and down;
	  Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
	Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
	  And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
	Work it in gold and silver grapes,
	  In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;
	Because the birthday of my life
	  Is come, my love is come to me.

	Christina Georgina Rossetti, "A Birthday"

	Donna:  "My mom gave them to me in case I wanted to do a crafts 

	I had just asked her why her mom had left her a bunch of arts and 
	crafts supplies while moving in to college.

	In your eyes...

        When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work 
	becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount 
	a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on 
	anything but the ride you are taking.

	Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, January 18, 1896, Scientific American Magazine 

        Corey:  "You don't shop like a college student.  You shop like a..."
	Andrew:  "Housewife?"
	Corey:  "Yes, that's it."

	The vigilant Fredegonda was one of the most wary of ancient 
	spinsters.  She had a becoming terror and distrust of what she 
	denominated "the opposite sex", which had gradually increased 
	through a long life of celibacy.  Not that the good lady had ever 
	suffered from their wiles, Nature having set up a safeguard in her 
	face, that forbade all trespass upon her premises, but ladies who 
	have least cause to fear for themselves are most ready to keep a 
	watch over their more tempting neighbors.

	Washington Irving, "Tales of the Alhambra"

	As I was walking over to Maryland Chorus tonight I looked west, 
	and saw the colors.  The colors you love, the reddish tint of the 
	sky as the sun sinks over the western horizon.  Sunsets are always 
	special for me now, in a way that they weren't before.  They're 
	special because they remind me of you, my lover of sunsets.

	I'm a dawn kind of guy.  I like to see the colors, so similar to 
	the ones in your sunsets, as the sun creeps up above the horizon 
	to signal the start of a new day.  A new day, with new life and 
	new opportunities and new experiences.  New times to be shared 
	with you.  I think about the dawn when I see the sunsets.  The 
	colors, so similar.  It's sometimes hard to tell the difference 
	between the two.

	Dawns and sunsets, sunsets and dawns.  They follow each other in 
	an interminable sequence.  Each day there is new life, new 
	experiences.  Each beautiful sunset leads to a beautiful dawn.  From 
	every ending comes a beginning.

	Sunset isn't just the end of the day.  It's the promise of the new 
	day, the promise of the dawn, a foreshadowing of that glorious 
	moment when the sun announces its presence in the world.

	For me, each sunset is a reminder: of past experiences, of the end 
	of the present, and of the promise of the future.

	Each sunset is a reminder of the path of our love, the present 
	reality of our love, and the future of our love.  Full of promise, 
	full of life, full of experiences to be shared together.

	Goodnight, my princess of the sunsets.

        ~Your prince of the dawn

	¡ Inteligencia, dame el nombre exacto de las cosas!
	. . . Que mi palabra sea la cosa misma
	creada por mi alma nuevamente.
	Que por mí vayan todos
	los que no las conocen, a las cosas;
	que por mí vayan todos
	los que ya las olvidan, a las cosas;
	que por mí vayan todos
	los mismos que las aman, a las cosas . . .
	¡ Inteligencia, dame el nombre exacto, y tuyo,
	y suyo, y mío, de las cosas.

	- Juan Ramón Jiménez	

	Dedicated, in this space, to my amiga Em

	No tengo las palabras para expresar lo que mi corazon esta 

	The Sun

	The winter dawn, colored by blues, reds, and yellows.
	It peeks through the clouds, seeking the ground.
	The warm colors embrace the earth, giving a promise
	a promise of the spring, of rebirth.

	As it rises the snow begins to glisten
	Sometimes harshly; it can be painfully bright
	Yet it too has beauty, and promise.
	Hidden within the blankets of frigid white are crocuses.

	Crocus, the winter flower.
	Delicate stems of deep green touched by black
	Yielding to brilliant blues and yellows
	Like the dawn, they presage the new season.

	The winter will end.
	Spring comes, with its abundant life.
	Freed from its icy mantle,
	The Earth dons new robes of youthful green.

	"Vivo" cries the Earth.
	"She was not dead, only sleeping."
	Winter is but a dream, a moment's pause
	In the reality that is life.


	"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"

	As virtuous men pass mildly away,
	    And whisper to their souls to go, 
	Whilst some of their sad friends do say
	    The breath goes now, and some say, No:

	So let us melt, and make no noise,
	    No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move, 
	'Twere profanation of our joys
	    To tell the laity our love.

	Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears,
	    Men reckon what it did and meant, 
	But trepidation of the spheres,
	    Though greater far, is innocent.

	Dull sublunary lovers' love
	    (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit 
	Absence, because it doth remove
	    Those things which elemented it.

	But we by a love so much refined
	    That our selves know not what it is, 
	Inter-assurèd of the mind,
	    Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss.

	Our two souls therefore, which are one,
	    Though I must go, endure not yet 
	A breach, but an expansion,
	    Like gold to aery thinness beat.

	If they be two, they are two so
	    As stiff twin compasses are two; 
	Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show
	    To move, but doth, if th' other do.

	And though it in the centre sit,
	    Yet when the other far doth roam, 
	It leans and hearkens after it,
	    And grows erect, as that comes home.

	Such wilt thou be to me, who must
	    Like th' other foot, obliquely run; 
	Thy firmness makes my circle just,
	    And makes me end where I begun.

	John Donne

	"The Sun Rising"

        BUSY old fool, unruly Sun,
        Why dost thou thus,
        Through windows, and through curtains, call on us ?
        Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run ?
        Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide
        Late school-boys and sour prentices,
         Go tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride,
        Call country ants to harvest offices ;
        Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,
        Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.

        Thy beams so reverend, and strong
        Why shouldst thou think ?
        I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink,
        But that I would not lose her sight so long.
        If her eyes have not blinded thine,
        Look, and to-morrow late tell me,
        Whether both th' Indias of spice and mine
        Be where thou left'st them, or lie here with me.
        Ask for those kings whom thou saw'st yesterday,
        And thou shalt hear, "All here in one bed lay."

        She's all states, and all princes I ;
        Nothing else is ;
        Princes do but play us ; compared to this,
        All honour's mimic, all wealth alchemy.
        Thou, Sun, art half as happy as we,
        In that the world's contracted thus ;
        Thine age asks ease, and since thy duties be
        To warm the world, that's done in warming us.
        Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere ;
        This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere.

	John Donne

	"My Love in Her Attire"

	My love in her attire doth show her wit,
	It doth so well become her:
	For every season she hath dressings fit,
	For winter, spring, and summer.
	No beauty she doth miss,
	When all her robes are on;
	But Beauty's self she is,
	When all her robes are gone.


	Upon further study and reflection, John Paul II is unfit to lead the Church.
	1.  His support for Opus Dei, a corrupt religious organization with close ties to the Franco Dictatorship.
	2.  His automatic excommuncation of all priests leaving the priesthood to marry, even when they still 
	wanted to use their talents to serve the church.
	3.  His interference in the Jesuit order.  When he found out that someone he didn't favor would be elected
	General, he personally installed his own conservative puppet, voiding the majority rule of the Order itself.
	4.  He canonized Pius IX, who called the Jews "dogs," claimed that they were responsible for the death of 
	Christ, claimed that they ritually murder Christian Children, and declared himself infallible.
	5.  He tried to cannonize Pius XII, who set the Church back centuries in its theological outlook and led a
	"reign of terror" that nearly destroyed the Church.
	6.  He has sainted more people than ALL of his predecessors combined.
	7.  His twisted interpretation of the "prophecies" of Fatima to aggrandize himself was politically opportunistic.
	Side note on Fatima.  The girl who claimed to have the prophecies didn't write them down or tell anybody
	what they were until AFTER the prophesied events had already happened.
	8.  He cannonized a man who never existed (Juan Diego) giving official acceptance to the Virgen of Guadelupe
	despite proof that the entire thing is a forgery.
	9.  He has created a commission to study giving Mary a new title ... co-reedemer of the human race.  What the 
	hell is this?  Queen of Heaven isn't enough?  Now she is to be equal to Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died on 
	the cross for our sins, in terms of redemption?  I think not.
	10.  He cannonized Maximilian Kolbe, who spread anti-semitic propaganda around the world as "truth" supported by
	the Church.

	The people join in the entire church's witness to the truth by 
	their acceptance of that which is proposed, showing the 
	discernment infused by the Spirit.

	Garry Wills

	You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
	You make me happy, when skies are gray.
	You'll never know dear, how much I love you
	Please don't take my sunshine away.

	There's no greater love, than the love of Jesus.
	There's no one who can love you more.
	Dreams come and dreams go and people move in and out of your life
	But the one thing that the love of Christ.

	Sit down I'll tell you a secret
	There's nothing that you can do
	He died, those things were defeated
	Now nothing separates Him from you.
		Lost and Found

	You are the call and I am the answer. 
	You are the wish, and I am the fulfillment. 
	You are the night, and I the day. 
	What else? 
	It is perfect enough. 
	It is perfectly complete. 
	You and I.
	-D.H. Lawrence. 

	The dawn was beautiful this morning.  A slow tide of red creeping
	up from the horizon, gradually turning to orange and yellow before the sun
	appeared.  "Red sky in morning..." may be the proverb, but a landsman can
	just appreciate the beauty.  I find that the cold, clear air in the winter
	makes the sunrises and sunsets more brilliant.  And it makes me think of
	my lover...of sunsets.

	A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part
	limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and
	feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical
	delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
	restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons
	nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by
	widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the
	whole of nature in its beauty.
		Albert Einstein

	"Be very careful if you make a woman cry because G-d counts her
	tears. The woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be
	walked on. Not from his head to be superior. But from the side to
	be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to 
	be loved"
		The Talmud

	AMONG all lovely things my Love had been;
         Had noted well the stars, all flowers that grew
         About her home; but she had never seen
         A glow-worm, never one, and this I knew.

         While riding near her home one stormy night
         A single glow-worm did I chance to espy;
         I gave a fervent welcome to the sight,
         And from my horse I leapt; great joy had I.

         Upon a leaf the glow-worm did I lay,
         To bear it with me through the stormy night:
         And, as before, it shone without dismay;
         Albeit putting forth a fainter light.

         When to the dwelling of my Love I came,
         I went into the orchard quietly;
         And left the glow-worm, blessing it by name,
         Laid safely by itself, beneath a tree.

         The whole next day, I hoped, and hoped with fear;
         At night the glow-worm shone beneath the tree;
         I led my Lucy to the spot, "Look here,"
         Oh! joy it was for her, and joy for me! 

	William Wordsworth - Among all lovely things my love had been

	you have one wing, i have another
	seeking shelter like sister and brother
	through the winter and through the summer
	like one angel we'll fly
	far away
		Burlap to Cashmere	

	Que mis ojos se despierten con la luz de tu mirada.
	Que mi madre no se muera
	y que mi padre me recuerde. 
	Que te quedes a mi lado 
	y que nunca te me vayas mi vida.
	Que mi alma no descanse 
	cuando de amarte se trate mi cielo. 
	Por los dias que me quedan 
	y las noches que aun no llegan. 
	Por los hijos de mis hijos 
	y los hijos de tus hijos.  
	Que me pueblo no derrame tanta sangre 
	y se levante mi gente. 
	Que mi alma no descanse 
	cuando de amarte se trate mi cielo.  

	Un segundo mas de vida para darte,
	y mi corazon entero entregarte.
	Un segunda mas de vida para darte, 
	y a tu lado para siempre yo quedarme.
	Un segundo mas de vida yo. 
	A Dios le pido

	Que si me muero sea de amor,
	y si me enamoro sea de vos,
	y que de tu voz sea este corazon.
	Todos los dias, a Dios le pido


	le pido al cielo solo un deseo
	que en tus ojos yo pueda vivir
	he recorrido ya el mundo entero
	y una cosa te vengo a decir
	viaje de Bahrein hasta Beirut
	fui desde el Norte hasta el polo sur
	y no encontre ojos asi
	como los que tienes tu


	"Consider your own lives," said Mustapha Mond.  "Has any of you
ever encountered an insurmountable obstacle?"
	The question was answered by a negative silence.
	"Has any of you been compelled to live through a long
time-interval between the consciousness of a desire and its fulfilment?"
	"Well," began one of the boys, and hesitated.
	"Speak up," said the D.H.C.  "Don't keep his fordship waiting."
	"I once had to wait nearly four weeks before a girl I wanted would
let me have her."
	"And you felt a strong emotion in consequence?"
	"Horrible; precisely," said the Controller.  "Our ancestors were
so stupid and short-sighted that when the first reformers came along and
offered to deliver them from those horrible emotions, they wouldn't have
anything to do with them."
			Aldous Huxley - Brave New World

	Riverdance lyrics.

	It's official.

	I found my cuddle-buddy.

	Schaeffer:  I'm tired of your foreign languages.  I want you to 
	speak words I can understand.
	Plain, straightforward, beautiful ENGLISH words.

	Fast-food clerk:  You're a tiresome, big-mouthed ignorant geezer.

	Schaeffer:  Not THOSE English words!


	Summer stretching on the grass...
	summer dresses pass 
	In the shade of a willow tree 
	creeps a crawling over me 
	Over me and over you 
	stuck together with God's glue 
	It's been a long hot summer 
	Let's get undercover 
	Don't try too hard to think... 
	don't think at all 

	I'm not the only one 
	staring at the sun 
	Afraid of what you'd find 
	if you took a look inside 
	Not just deaf and dumb 
	I'm staring at the sun 
	Not the only one 
	who's happy to go blind

	Never forget that we are all still 'the early Christians'.  The
present wicked and wasteful divisions between us are, let us hope, a
disease of infancy: we are still teething.  The outer world, no doubt,
thinks just the opposite.  It thinks we are dying of old age.  But it has
thought that very often before.  Again and again it has thought
Christianity was dying, dying by persecutions from without and
corruptions from within, by the rise of Mohammedanism, the rise of the
physical sciences, the rise of great anti-Christian revolutionary
movements.  But every time the world has been disappointed.  Its first
disappointment was over the crucifixion.  The Man came to life again.  In
a sense -- and I quite realize how frightfully unfair it must seem to them
-- that has been happening ever since.  They keep on killing the thing
that He started: and each time, just as they are patting down the earth on
its grave, they suddenly hear that it is still alive and has even broken
out in some new place.  No wonder they hate us.
			C S Lewis

	That is just what one would expect if Christianity is the total
plan for the human machine.  We have all departed from that total plan in
different ways, and each of us wants to make out that his own modification
of the original plan is the plan itself.  You will find this again and
again about anything that is really Christian: every one is attracted by
bits of it and wants to pick out those bits and leave the rest.  That is
why we do not get much further: and that is why people who are fighting
for quite opposite things can both say they are fighting for Christianity.
			C S Lewis

	Here is another thing that used to puzzle me.  Is it not
frightfully unfair that this new life should be confined to people who
have heard of Christ and been able to believe in Him?  But the truth is
God has not told us what His arrangements about the other people are.  We
do know that no man can be saved except through Christ; we do not know
that only those who know Him can be saved through Him.
			C S Lewis
	Met a girl, thought she was grand
	Fell in love, found out firsthand
	Went well for a week or two
	Then it all came unglued

	Puddle of Mud

	That's all she wrote.

	Weep, weep, weep mine eyes, my heart can take no rest
	Weep, weep, weep mine eyes shall ne'er be blest.
	Weep eyes, weep heart, and both this accent cry.

	A thousand deaths I die, I die, a thousand deaths I die.

	Ay me, ah, ah cruel fortune
	Now Leander to die I fear not.
	Death do thy worst I care not.
	I hope when I am dead
	In Elizian plain we'll meet and there with joy we'll love again.

	Heisenberg is driving down the autobahn. A police officer pulls
	him over.  The officer says, "Excuse me, sir, do you know how fast
	you were going?"
	Heisenberg says, "No, but I know where I am."

	I used to date a girl named "World." Sis was real glamorous
	arrayed up in diamonds and pearls. She was the baddest the phattest she
	was established And with her universal status she had me livin'
	lavish. She knew about my sinful habits. She used to feed them.  She
	offered me the fruits of lust (and yep) I used to eat them.  She took my
	freedom. Warnings came, I wouldn't heed them. 
	And when I mentioned God she said, "Chill you don't need Him." I
	second-guessed this but then she pulled out those dresses tight
	fittin' ones made by Mercedes and Lexus. Her neck just exploded
	with the fragrance of passion.
	I used to date a girl named, "World." 
	Sis was real glamorous arrayed up in diamonds and pearls.
	But now I've got a new best friend 
	Because the world will leave you dry and watch you die in the end.
				CM '02

	Love isn't something we're worthy of.  It's not something that we
	deserve.  God loves us in a way that is beyond comprehension.  We, who
	rebelled against him, who continually are in a state of the deepest sin,
	he calls his dearest children.  Love between us here on earth is
	similar.  It's not something that we can earn.  When we find someone that
	cares for us even when we hurt them, even during our worst moments, even
	when they know us better than we know ourselves, this is love.  It doesn't
	ignore faults, it sees through them to the person within.  So no, I am not
	worthy of love.  But somehow it happens anyway.
				Me, in the morning

	il m'appellait son eau vive, son voila, le cristal
	est en miettes
				Sartre, Huis-Clos

	Flippancy is the best of all.  In the first place it is very
	economical.  Only a clever human can make a real Joke about virtue, or
	indeed about anything else; any of them can be trained to talk as if
	virtue were funny.  Among flippant people the Joke is always assumed to
	have been made.  No one actually makes it; but every serious subject is
	discussed in a manner which implies that they have already found a
	ridiculous side to it.  If prolonged, the habit of Flippancy builds up
	around a man the finest armour-plating against the Enemy that I know, and
	it is quite free from the dangers inherent in the other sources of
	laughter.  It is a thousand miles away from joy: it deadens, instead of
	sharpening, the intellect; and it excites no affection between those who
	practice it.
                          Your afectionate uncle

				C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
	Love is patient, love is kind.  It is not jealous, love is not
	pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own
	interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it
	does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.  It bears
	all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all
	things.  Love never fails.
				1 Corinthians 13:4-8

	"And the number one way in which people said their scores on the
	next exam could be improved study more beforehand."
				Dr. Hassam in Physics 374

	Hear me now, oh thou bleak and unbearable world
	Thou art base, and debauched as can be
	And a knight with his banner so bravely unfurled
	Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee

	I am I, Don Quijote the Lord of La Mancha
	My destiny calls and I go
	And the wild winds of fortune shall carry me onward
	oh wither so ever they blow

	wither so ever they blow
	Onward to glory I go

	Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin
	All your dastardly doings are past
	For a holy endeavor is now to begin
	And virtue shall triumph at last

	I am I Don Quijote the Lord of La Mancha
	My destiny calls and I go
	And the wild winds of fortune shall carry me onward
	oh wither so ever they blow

	Wither so ever they blow
	Onward to glory I go

	    "I am I, Don Quijote" - Man of La Mancha


	What a tangled web we weave....


	I've heard there was a secret chord
	that David played
	and it pleased the Lord
	but you don't really care for music, do you?
	it goes like this:
	the fourth, the fifth
	the minor fall
	the major lift
	the baffled king, composing hallelujah

	Your faith was strong, but you needed proof
	you saw her bathing on the roof
	her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
	she tied you to a kitchen chair
	she broke your throne, she cut your hair
	and from your lips she drew the hallelujah

	baby, I've been here before
	I know this room
	I've walked this floor
	I used to live alone before I knew you
	I've seen your flag on the marble arch
	love is not a victory march
	It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah.

	there was a time you let me know
	what's really going on below
	but now you never show it to me, do you?
	I remember when I moved in you,
	The holy dark was moving too
	and every breath we drew was Hallelujah

	Maybe there's a god above
	and all I ever learned from love
	was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
	it's not a cry you can hear at night
	it's not somebody who's seen the light
	It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah

                     Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah

	Where is love?
	Does it fall from skies above?
	Is it underneath, the willow tree,
	that I've been dreaming of?

	Where is she?
	Who I close my eyes to see
	Will I ever know, the sweet "hello" that's meant for only me?

	Who can say where she may hide?
	Must I travel far and wide?
	Til I am beside the someone who, 
	I can mean,
	something to.

	Where is love?

                         Oliver - "Where is Love?"