My Links to Other Websites

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Professional Links

The State Highway Administration of Maryland

The American Society of Civil Engineers

One of the major relief/development job listings websites

Engineers Without Borders - USA

Engineers Without Borders - UK

Berkel & Company Contractors My employer and a rather good company when it comes to sheeting, shoring & deep foundation work.

Personal Links

Engineers Without Borders at UMCP This group here is the reason I'm an engineer now instead of a physicist or something random. Should I thank them for that? Probably not.

The University of Maryland at College Park

Fernwithy's Blog The best HP fan fiction writer out there that I have seen.

Mar-Lu-Ridge I am because we are. We are because Christ is. Christ is in us.

Friend Microblog #1

Friend Microblog #2

Friend Microblog #3

Friend Microblog #4

Friend Microblog #5

Friend Blog #1

My Favorites

The Washington Post This is MY newspaper now. That was reinforced when the NYT and Baltimore Sun published spoilers for the last Harry Potter book in the guise of "reviews." I'll never buy their papers again.

The Sugarquill The leading Harry Potter fanfiction website. One of the founders is a librarian at UMCP. Sadly there are no new updates.

Slate This online newsmagazine keeps boredom at bay for at least 30 minutes a day.

Google Books While I have yet to purchase an e-book and the recent Apple-driven price gouging makes such an action unlikely in the future, I do enjoy being able to read works that have entered the public domain for free on my computer or hand-held device.

Hulu A virus-free and legal way to wach some television programs online. If only the networks were adding to the content list rather than taking shows away.

USAJOBS You can have this website send you automatic notifications via email when new opportunities are posted that meet your search criteria. Each email is a little shot of hope that brightens your day.

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of Maryland, College Park

Copyright 2011 Andrew Parker
Last Modified 02 September 2011